
Oui, tomorrow is Friday!
And I’m excited, not just because its the end of the week but more cause I have a diner with my two best friends. It’s been a while we didn’t see each other’s and I feel like tons of things happed since, so we gonna have a lot to talk about. Then, were going to see the Black Lips at the National (not my favourite venues, but Sala Rosa is getting too small for them). Last time we saw the Black Lips, we were together in Brooklyn in the trashiest venue I never been in my life...

My week was good and I’m adapting to the schedule and my new team. I'm sorry for being a lazy blogger.
I just found it more hard now to fit time to search and write about something fun in my new routine... Ok, and the fact that I inherited of the old Iphone of my lover with all is game make its hard too; I found myself addict to a game call Bubbles Shooter.

Speaking of this, I gonna play a small game before heading the bed


Big blank...

A friend of mine told me her choral was looking for a costume, I said I would mine thinking about something. But now, I’m in charge of finding the concept and created 37 costumes for gospel chorale...

I have no idea what do to... If you have ideas, don’t be shy and please, let me know.


Pop contest result...

Last Friday was the night where the winners design for Pop Montreal design contest were unveiled. I didn’t win but it’s ok; I was really happy and proud of making the top10. It was a nice night at the Founderie boutique and you can see the winners here and pictures of the night here

The first day of my new life

Today was my first real day of work at my new job. Yes, I had to wake-up really early and I was a bit stress by that, but everything went well. My new schedule is really different from my last job, but there’s so many tasks to achieve compare to my last job.

I’m pretty sure (and I hope so) that I’m going to accommodate fast with my new “life”. This job is a really good opportunity for my career. For almost the last 6 years, I was working on my own projects; learning how to build and operate an entrepreneurial venture that was focused on creativity and fashion. After I stop everything, I was always thinking what I wanted to do next and it was not an easy time in my life.I had a year fill with different contracts that never satisfies my gold and left me bitted and unsecured about my future.

This is all over now and I think I’m going to be glad for a long time in my new position!


Stay Gold Mary Rose

StayGoldMaryRose (what an amazing name for a brand!) is a collection of creations by British designer Abigail MaryRose Clark. She has been designing and making her 'Repurposed Vintage Teacup Bracelets' since 2004. Wow, the eco-designer in me really like her stuff.


I took Friday off, I wanted to do some collage (my new obsession) but in the end, with the cleaning, grocery and other boring tasks I also wanted to do before the weekend it did not leave me enough time to do proper collage... honestly, I saw so many amazing collage and mixed media artwork over the web this week that I’m shy on cutting or gluing something. Anyways, I was getting my confidence back when my boyfriend calls; and says he was on his way home, STARVING!!

Ok, so I stopped everything and I became Martha Stewart and made this little goodness bread that looks like muffins. The recipe is really easy, you need to try it:

2 cups of flour
2 the spoon of baking powder
2-3 the spoon of water
2 the spoon of oil
1 egg

For the ingredient inside, I always go with a “ clean the fridge session”.

This time is was:
slice of black & green olives
caramelized onions and mushrooms
blue cheese
and the spicy pepper sauce that the Portuguese grand-mother of my lover made

Preheat you over to 400°F (200°C).
Whisk the flours, baking powder, egg, water and the oil together in a large bowl. Do the same, in a other bowl with the ingredients you want to ad in your muffins. Then slowly incorporate your flavours. If it feels too dry, add a little more water.

bake for 20 to 25 minutes until they are lightly golden and enjoy !


Sketchbook and more...

Look at this sketchbook , it’s so thick  that it can’t even closed! I love it!
Congradulation Alison Jean Worman, a current student at MICA, majoring in Fibers and concentrating in Book Arts.

While looking at her blog, I found out this amazing projet:

Hollie Chastain

It's my last week at work and I don't have a lot do to (like most of the time...) so to not get crazy watching the time pass, I surf the net and I discoved this website about posters call Poster Cabaret. There's ton of great porters, but the ones made by Hollie Chastain grab my attention. I like how she work with vintage collage papers.

To see more, check her website or her blog


My one hundred post!!

One hundred posts!

Wow, what a coincidence that this post is here for sharing amazing good news!
I finally find a great job. Yes, a really challenging, creative and the most important an interesting job! I always had this professional goal to work for a publicity agency and I’m very thrill to announce that this dream will become true on April the 4th!  This will become the next step in my very windy career path I was on…

Another sign that Susan Miller was right:

Something else is happening this month that is extremely important and could change your view of your career forever. Uranus will enter your tenth house of career on March 11 to stay for seven years, until 2019.


Choc Foks

For the next fall made buy Celapiu, an independent Polish label specialize in cold weather accessories: scarves, gloves and various head covering.



Les Queues de Sardines

I'm more a skirt/dress girlthan a jeans girl, so I need a lot of tights...

I just discovers this french line; Les Queues de Sardines notable for their unconventional and unique graphic style. Add a pinch of narrative humor - the result is a choice of elegant and unusual models that will dress up your legs with an unusual stylish and elegant pattern. Screen-printed by hand in limited quantities, these rare and exclusive articles will never go unnoticed. I love it!!!

I found a couples of websites where we can buy them online, but its sooo expensive when I convert the euros in Canadian money +  the shipping but here's the link:

Up Factory
Suicidal Shop

I guess I'll wait to my next trip in New York to buy a pair at the Blue Tree boutique



This movie seem very interesting, its a film about hope, fear and digital culture. 
The digital revolution of the last decade has unleashed creativity and talent of people in an unprecedented way, unleashing unlimited creative opportunites. But  does democratized culture mean better art, film, music and literature? This is the question addressed by PressPausePlay.

The movie premiere was last Friday at SXSW and so far, I don't know were  else is going to be pplay. I really hope I would get a chance to see it.

You can watch another sneak peek here


I was super happy to find out this morning about the vernissage in Montreal of the collective Team Macho!
I was a super fan of their illustrations and so far, I just saw their work one time, in Toronto. So this Saturday it’s with a immense pleasure that I will attend the opening of 3 out 5 ain’t bad at the Optica galerie (in the Belgo). 

The Toronto-based group uses all media (excepting digital), and its work crosses a multitude of boundaries in terms of conception and application. I love the way they are proposing in a humorous and dissident style illustrations, paintings and collages. I really, really wish I was in a group like that...
The vernissage start at 3pm and the exhibition will run till April 16 thIts a must see !!!


Wishing stuff...

I wish I own everything on theses pics, I feel that the is so me...
Thank you Les Composantes for make me want to get more and more accessories

Pop montral t-shirt contest

I'm in!! I make it to the top 10!!!
Wow, this new really made my day! now I have till the
The top 10 designs will be displayed at a vernissage on April 1st, where the 2 winning designs will be unveiled. Yeah, for once I am going to attend a vernissage where I am not there just to drink...

Theres two ways for me to win; be select by the Pop Montreal panel of celebrity judges or the people’s Choice... So please, I really need your vote!
You can votehere


Another fantastic Wallpaper

Mini Moderns is a range of interiors products designed and produced by London based design and branding agency, Absolute Zero Degrees. The print designs are themselves at once retro, and modern, with influences ranging from textile designs of the 1950’s to vintage toys and games.