
Atlas Sound - "Artificial Snow (Bedroom Take)"

This song closed my 2010 Christmas Vacation on a good note.
I am a bit sad that the vacation is soon going to be over, but at the same time my budget and health will not let me continue living like I have for a another week...


New year party look

I adore this look! You may be already aware of my love affair with bows; yet the make-up thing is new. I am thinking of doing something similar on New Year eve. It is always a good night for being a little bit crazy or edgy with your outfit.
I am still not sure if I will have the guts to do it, but I am definitely going to try it at home.


Yes, you can totally laugh at the shape of my pizza! This is what happens when you started drinking a little too early and you decide to make pizza at 9pm (it is also hard not to drink when my tiny kitchen is full of bottles of booze...) We did have a snack before at a place called the Enfant Terrible –Wow-, you can read more about it here ; it’s from my boyfriend take of the visit there.

Yet despite the funny big sliced bread like shape, this homemade pizza was amazing! This is absolutely my new favourite quick and obsessively delicious meal to prepare for those spur of the moment occasions. My apartment still smells of rich flavours of an Italian sausage (the veggie kind of course), caramelized onions, grilled zucchinis, and two types of goat cheese on a fulfilling arrabiata sauce we purchased at Jean-Talon market. Amazing!!


Vacation, day 3

On my third day of vacation, I made sure I was prepared to have everything I needed to enjoy my favorite home activites ...

Yes, I know what you are thinking, I am missing food!
This will be the first thing on my list tomorrow morning (I even rent a car for it!).

Vacations, day 2

This is a picture of my lunch on my second days of vacations. I am very famous for making good salad and this one was really remarkable. It was more a “clean-up the fridge” receipt and also an effort to eat healthy in vacations. This can sometimes be difficult when you live with a boyfriend who has a crazy-powerful metabolize and his afraid to “just” eat salad.

It doesn’t hurt to serve it with chips, a crusty baguette and of course, very full wine glasses. It makes the boyfriend happy...
Let me know if you want the receipt


I started my first day of Christmas vacation with an appointment with my dentist. I felt I needed a general cleaning and I thought it was a good occasion to have it done before Christmas.

I always feel a bit anxious and embarrassed when I’m going to the dentist; I’m afraid of how many bad teeth she will tell me I have, how much it’s going to cost me…

Yet what bothers me the most is the preachy dentist better then you attitude. They ask you how you have been doing with your dental hygiene and reprimand you for your bad habits. They give instructions with harsh voices and make you feel like a child. I understand it is technically their job and it helps me in the end it’s just not a pleasant experience. It makes me feel super shy even if I brush my teeth and pass the floss.

After all that my visit today went “okay” you could say. It turns out I have tree cavities and one really urgent to fix or it can turn into canal treatment to fix :(  so I need to return soon for the big visit...

I'm in Vacations !!!

This picture correspond to my outfit for the next days because, today is the first day of my vacations!!!
I am sooo excited about that because it’s the first time in my working life that I have two weeks off during the Christmas holiday (and still being paid!).

I had a hard weekend of celebrations; a Christmas’s job party on Friday and a friend’s festivity on Saturday. So Sunday, I was really in a hangover/tiredness mood. Wow it really made me realized that I can’t be crazy drinking/celebrating two nights in a row anymore. In another hand, it’s okay because my life style changed over this year and it’s rare that I party. From far, I prefer now having a good dinner with friends and be in bed around 1pm... Yeah, things changes...

So I am really grateful about having the opportunity to rest, stay at home, cook, read, go to the gym and finish my Christmas gifts.
picture from Lawn Party


Saturday snack

Last night’s dinner did not dissippoint. Well it was more snacking than a site down dinner because, as you may or may not know yesterday was a Hockey night... Yes, I am one of those gals that live with a huge fan of that local team the Habs...

The big constraint was to eat something that we can comfortably eat on the couch (our living room is so tiny that there is not even space for a proper coffee table; but that’s another story). If you are reading my food posts, you might already know I have a preference for small snack-like tapas and I feel they are the perfect dish for those game nights. My lover had visited Jean-Talon market earlier in the day-while I was stuck at my designer sale -he bought some amazing goat cheese and fresh veggies. It was just right to start creating our meal.

Here a few pictures of the preparations and some of the snacks we made. I stop taking picture after a while because I was getting shy about how much food we we were eating....


Charlotte Farmer

Oh oh my... I just discoverd this amazing freelance illustrator (my dream job yet to happen, please !!). She is from UK and I really like her work.
Check it out

She is also making prints on plate and I love this median for illustrations. I wish we had more product like this in Montreal mainly due to the fact that my salary working for a dance company doesn't allow me to order things that have a price with £.

ACheerlaeder by Bikini.mov [Official Video]

I recently discovered a band call Bikini and I really like the sound. Its nothing new, but they got that little something that make me very addicted to their music. Sadly I was out of town when they came to Montreal and apparently the duo is from Montreal but have choosen to move to New York (I am guessing to get famous? not a bad idea...).

In July 2008, they released Concerning the number 7 and your Love EP and they just launched a new EP call R.I.P JDS.

I found that they were not easy to find and watch them on YouTube... you have to go through so many clips of girls in bikini (really not a good thing for me to see in this time of the year; it’s snowing in Montreal and it’s the time of year of part food/pot luck Christmas party).

So here, enjoy the video without going the pain of research and feel free to give me feedback


Thank you Bradford Cox

Thank you so much Bradford or should I say fuck Sony?

Oui, oui I am talking about Atlas Sound, the solo moniker of Deerhunter frontman / provocateur Bradford Cox.This was like an early Christmas gift for me and I was very grateful about it. I was dying to hear the new music from him and other bands on the recently released mixes. But fuck, those stupid Sony people removed 3 of 4 mixes!

Cox “published” four volumes of demos on his blog, entitled "Bedroom Databank". Sadly, these demos were taken down from Mediafire by Sony and then they later apologized to Cox, stating that they "were mistakenly removed"...

After releasing four albums' worth of demos last week,  Bradford  was hit with copyright-police e-mails by Sony Music, which deleted three of the four volumes of his Bedroom Databank series. The Sony e-mail-- copied and pasted on Cox's site-- claims, "The specific reason for the removal was: unauthorized reproduction and distribution of copyrighted sound recordings owned or exclusively distributed by Sony Music."

"Apparently Sony Music owns my bedroom," writes Bradford Cox on Pitchfork.

MOLYKULTE' big sale !!

Well, well welcome to my world of busyness; another week without a lot of blogs posting and for a second time, no Thursday vernissage.
I am busy, busy because I have been preparing all week (after my 9h to 5h job...) for this event:
For those who didn’t know, I used to be a fashion designer with my own boutique and everything (which includes the stress of being super poor and working all the time). The story goes back years and years ago, I started a business with my best friend. Our brand was called MOLYKULTE and we were well known for creating a really good kind of trashy-eco-unique clothing.

This is all over now, we have moved on and we are both very happy with our new lives. There is still, tons of clothing, fabrics and accessories from past seasons and collections we have made
(u can imagine how many sewing additions we are still haveand prices to make them go will be fair).
This is why we are doing this amazing sale/gift this weekend.

This sale is not just about clothing, there is also happens to be furniture: a microwave, silkscreen ink,film, shelves, industrial sewing machines (2) and so much more!

Please come by even just to say "Hi" if you were a old customer; or if you are needing supplies to get started regardless : tell everyone about it!

For more info, see our Facebook event here


So tired...

I’m back. I am slowly readjusting (can you tell I have spent way too much time in a rental car?) and getting back to normal, whatever that is these days.
There is no Thursday vernissage for me tonight (I had a private one yesterday night at the Biosphère). This week I really need a break… and need to start watching what I am eating and drinking. The other night my boyfriend kindly pointed out I seem to have back fat which is horrible!!
Anyway, I am participating in a art fair this coming weekend- all details might be posted tomorrow- but if you’re dying to know more, read here.
Good night