
Saturday snack

Last night’s dinner did not dissippoint. Well it was more snacking than a site down dinner because, as you may or may not know yesterday was a Hockey night... Yes, I am one of those gals that live with a huge fan of that local team the Habs...

The big constraint was to eat something that we can comfortably eat on the couch (our living room is so tiny that there is not even space for a proper coffee table; but that’s another story). If you are reading my food posts, you might already know I have a preference for small snack-like tapas and I feel they are the perfect dish for those game nights. My lover had visited Jean-Talon market earlier in the day-while I was stuck at my designer sale -he bought some amazing goat cheese and fresh veggies. It was just right to start creating our meal.

Here a few pictures of the preparations and some of the snacks we made. I stop taking picture after a while because I was getting shy about how much food we we were eating....

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Can u provide some details for the food in the pics? I might want try something here mmmm...